Saturday, 16 February 2013

How to trace an email ? !

So here is the method of tracing the exact location from the email sent.

Step 1:-First open up your email account and click on your inbox.

Step 2:-Now Select any email that you want to trace

Step 3:-After Opening scrool the mail at the end and in right corner you will see a option FULL HEADER click on it

Step 4:- Now Closely Look at the the header you will find the whole detail that from which IP address it is sent.

Step 5 :
Go to Google and search for find Ip Location, open any Site Which look for IP Location,  Search 

How to become a pro-Hacker in 2 minutes ?

Many of us try to hack sites every day and most of time we fail.
But there are some peoples with great talent to hack any site and we thought " GOD ... I want to be like him"
This happens to all of us ... right ?
But the thing which irritates us most is when a PRO hacker can not hack a site and same site is hacked by a new hacker who has just started learning hacking , and we thought " how the hell he did it ? "
This is my friend where you hack the PRO by being noob.

Here we will discuss a very small mistakes site admins make which leads to site deface ...

1) Many of us may familiar with SQL Injection and lot of time we inject the site and get admin pass , but we can not go further as we don't have admin panel location , here are some ways to find admin panel

   a) First of all check if robots.txt file exists and if yes then see if admin link if there . If you can not find any    admin related folder /  file then open every file / folder admin has put to disallow . Cause there must be something in it what admin want to hide from us

  b) If robots.txt method do not work then crawl the site. sometimes admin puts images or uploads in admin folder it self and from it we can get admin folder

  c) In third try use some admin finder tools . Use havij or admin finder pro or something else which can brute force admin folder / file names . This not work all time but worth a shot .

  d) Some times admin is really smart and he blocks every possible ways to find admin link. But still he makes mistakes. There is a golden rule in security that " NEVER SET SAME PASSWORD FOR TWO LOGINS " , but most admins ignore this. What he does that he keeps the same password in his admin panels add same password in cpanel.  So check if Cpanel is there and if it's there try admin password there. Also if you find some email address from site then try that password too on his email. who know if password work and from his mails you got root passwords if site is a hosting site , it has worked for me many times.

  e) If site is vulnerable to SQL injection and admin is not using standard CMS like wordpress or joomla then also try sql login bypasses like 'OR' '=' , 'OR 1=1 so on ... Also try some common passwords like admin : admin , password , 123456 , 12345678 , pass123 , password123 , root , toor , r00t , t00r , nimda (reverse of admin)

2) Many admins secures their sites for most of major attacks but forgets to patch low impact vulnerabilities .

  a) Many admin do not put custom error page and keep default application error message . It is not some critical mistake but application error message can disclose if apache is there , if frontpage is there , versions etc.

  b) Many admin also takes directory listing lightly. Some times it also leads to information leak. So when ever you get dir listing open then see every file in it , who know you find more then what you were searching.

  c) Some small site admins do not consider XSS seriously. They underestimate power off XSS. What you do , if you find xss in his site then just create a simple mail to admin saying you have found XSS here. Admins will surly open that link directly and his cookie will be sent to you from that XSS. Also XSS is so much developed now that there are tools like Xssexploit , xsstunel from which you can hijack computers who visit exploited link. Who know if you can mail xssexploited link to admin saying you find porn on his site in this link and he will surely open that link and you get his computer ;)

  d) Some misconfiguration leads to locale path disclose and admin think what a hacker can do with my local path? But my dear friend .. a hacker can do anything with any information. There is a command in SQL called into outfile from which you can directly shell the site from sql injection . here is the video explaining how

Prince Indishell

Friday, 15 February 2013

How to secure yourself online ?

There is a surge in email account hacking these days specially of people who are publicly active on facebook or twitter or businessmen who conduct large transactions through email. Three such cases have come to my knowledge in the last few days and the modus operandi seems the same. So I thought it pertinent to write this post for public consumption.
It is crucial to understand that online identity theft is a very real and scary scenario where a hacker takes over your email and social networking accounts and attempts to then either blackmail you through use of your personal pictures or in many scenarios influence your business transactions which can lead to huge and unexpected losses. Some people take it too easy with their passwords and only wakeup when the damage has been done. So please read the following carefully and see how many loop holes you have left in your system.

Account Passwords
  • Passwords must be a combination of upper and lower case alphabets and numbers for example MyBirthday1975. Keeping passwords like this leads you clear of bots which hackers use with thousands of wordstrings to hack into your accounts.
  • You MUST use different passwords for different accounts, failure to do so will lead to all your accounts being hacked together ( a nightmarish situation)
  • Never ever give your passwords to anyone online. Even your family members even if they message you one fine day saying they are stuck somewhere and need access to facebook, you never know if they are on the other end of the screen or someone impersonating them.
Email Accounts
  • If you are in India and using social media it is CRUCIAL that you turn on two step verification on your emails. You can enable this in gmail or hotmail or facebook by going into the security settings. The service will ask for a mobile no which you can provide and hence allow the service (gmail/hotmail) to sms you when logging into the account in question from any computer. This sms will contain a security code which you can then input to access your account. This extra level of security after your password will stop any hacker from entering your account even if they have cracked your password.
  • In order to use two step verified accounts on your smartphone you can go into security settings and generate application specific passwords which should be labelled correctly and then used with that device ONLY. If you are travelling with two step verification on, the security settings of your account will also let you printout a set of backup codes you can use while away from the local sms carrier.
  • It is also very important to make sure that your security question is something known only to you. Make it as personal as you can so no one can guess it quickly.
  • It is recommended that you have a few email addresses, for instance have an email which is used JUST AS A LOGIN for your facebook and nowhere else and another for your business and another for your personal use. This splits up your identity so that a hacker cannot get everything in one go if they even hack one account.
  • Be very careful of opening spam emails or emails from unknown sources. Many of them contain scripts with trojans in them. Trojans are programs that grant back door entry to your system to a hacker as soon as you are online. These days trojans are sophisticated enough to actually allow hackers to control your system right down to the mouse cursor and will alert them when you are online as well. NEVER EVER input your information in any such emails and press submit. No organization or corporate to my knowledge sends forms for you to fill with “undisclosed recipients” written in the to box.
  • Since you have invested money into buying a computer it is important to protect it carefully with a proper antivirus. There are some good ones which re available for free like AVG and Avira however i recommend a paid one so that you can have frequent access to updates and protection from hacks. Please note constant connectivity means that your system is also constantly available to attack and thus i recommend you shut it off (internet wise) when not doing anything.
  • Once you have a solid antivirus schedule it to scan your whole computer once a week at least to eliminate any baddie viruses or trojans that get through. The software does it on auto so you dont have to worry about it. It is also important to keep the antivirus software alerts to medium so that any change any script or software is making to your system is preceded by a warning which you can either allow or check out.
  • I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU USE NO PIRATED SOFTWARE IN YOUR SYSTEM. Pirated sofware contains all kinds of viruses as they are replicated in the thousands. Usually in environments which are not very standard friendly or having any checks or balances as to how corrupt the data has become.

Chrome may be fast and light but it is definitely not as secure as firefox or internet explorer no matter what you think of microsoft. So when browsing be careful which tool you are using. It is also very important that if you use your browser or a browser on any other computer say in a hotel lobby to check your email you MUST LOG OUT at the end of your session. Sounds basic and silly but you would be surprised to know how often people break into email accounts in this manner, just because someone thought it ok to leave their session logged on and walked off.

Social Networks
  • Its great to connect via social media but such sites are also prone to trolling for prospective hacks by one or even groups of hackers so kindly keep privacy settings on high and family pictures on these networks to a minimum. Please note as a rule never put up intimate pictures online of you your spouse or your kids. 
  • Also note, just because a person puts something in their profile it does not mean that is the same person sitting behind the screen on the other end. This is the virtual world, men can be women women can be men in real and you never know where an inbox conversation will end up. So BE CAREFUL!
  • People often tend to provide access to a lot of peripheral or third party apps on twitter and facebook. Once provided access with some of these apps can do a variety of things like troll your friends list change things on your timeline and so on. Please make sure who you are providing this level of access too. Also some of these third party apps have security vulnerabilities therefore they can be used as gateways into your system.

Hopefully this will help some of you secure yourselves better. Usually if you have taken care of all of the above then you are pretty safe from a hack but you never know so its best to keep on you toes in this digital age. 

How To Get More Traffic To Your Blog ? !

1) Blog frequently
Most new bloggers dislike hearing this. Trust me when I say that the struggle for content is ongoing. New bloggers, however, feel like it’s just happening to them. The truth is, don’t get a blog just to have a blog. Get it and keep it updated. It’s the quickest way to gaining traffic. How often should you blog? Three times a week. The best days to blog? Studies have shown that Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are key days for blogging.
2) Stay on point
I tell authors this a lot: stay on point, stay on topic. Why? Because if you don’t you’ll lose readership. Once someone commits to your blog they want to keep reading relevant information. So don’t blog one day about your book, your speaking, or your mission and the next day share Aunt Ethel’s pot roast recipe.
3) Plan your blogs
While spontaneity is the catalyst for creativity, planning is a good way to stay on track. Start to map out key dates that you want to blog about that have some relation to your topic – this way when you’re at a loss for topics, you can always pick one from your list of planned out blogs. Also, consider these topics to blog about:
a) Future predictions: everyone loves these, to the degree that you can predict market trends in your industry do it, and the readership will follow.
b) Discuss industry news: what’s happening in your industry that you can talk about? Even if you’re a fiction writer there’s always *something* going on worth mentioning in publishing, writing, or marketing that directly relates to your topic.
c) The elephant in the room: talk about the stuff that everyone is afraid of. What new trends are emerging that consumers/readers/companies need to be aware of? What’s next for your market and how will it affect the industry? How can we keep publishing books when we already publish 800 a day? You see what I mean? Think of things that frighten you and talk about them. People will respond. Every time I do this I get a ton of comments on my blog.
d) Write reviews: review other people’s books, product or work. This is a great way to network and to become a “filter” for your market. Filter out the new stuff and feature it on your blog (this goes for you fiction writers too!).
e) Other blogs: what are people talking about? What did your favorite blog just say? Virtual networking (with other bloggers) is a great way to grow your content and get to know others in cyberspace. Don’t forget to link to the blog you’re discussing!
4) Invite comments on your blog!

This is really important! The more folks you can get commenting, the quicker your blog will get passed around. If you have a “no comment” feature on your blog, remove it! You want people to be able to comment and give feedback. In fact, at the end of every blog, why not invite readers to comment? If you start getting a lot of responses to this, begin featuring your favorite comments in future blog posts!
5) Comment on hot topics in the news
The quickest way to get traffic is to get your blog featured on a high-traffic site. But how can you do this? By commenting on news stories. Most major news sites have a feature that will list blogs that are talking about the various news stories. Not all blogs get featured but: a) if your if your topic is related to the story they’ve featured; and b) you’ve written an insightful post on the topic, you’ll likely get listed. For an example of what these look like take a peek at a recent story on CNN:
6) Digg yourself
Make sure that your blog has a bookmarking feature. Sites like Digg and are great places to get started. You can go there, sign up for an account (very easy to do) and then follow their instructions for bookmarking your individual posts. This is important! You don’t want to bookmark the blog but rather, the posts. The posts will then show up in these sites and, hopefully, other folks will bookmark them as well. Even if no one else bookmarks your posts, it doesn’t matter. You can still get traffic by being positioned on these sites. Super simple to do, go ahead, give it a shot!
7) Twitter your blog
Got something to say? Try microblogging at Twitter: It’s a free service that asks the question: What are you doing now? Go in, sign up and start posting your messages with links back to your blog. We tried this and it’s fantastic. You can also blog from your cell phone and blackberry. You can not only use it to promote your blog but your book, speaking event, whatever you want. It might sound like a “who cares” idea, but trust me, everyone’s Twittering these days.
8) Syndicate yourself
Using simple RSS feeds through you can syndicate yourself and let folks subscribe to your blog. If they don’t have a way to subscribe to your blog, they may forget you altogether. Once someone subscribes, every time you post new content it will notify them. And the best part? Your messages won’t get stuck in someone’s spam filter. They’ll get the notification, head to your blog and voila! Your readership stays engaged and growing.
Finally, don’t use an “official” voice on your blog. Pretend you’re sitting across from your reader over coffee. Talk to them in a more casual, conversational tone and you’ll not only get more readers, you’ll likely get more comments too! It doesn’t take much to grow a blog, just a little dedication and creativity.
Happy blogging!

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Twitter Tips for Business

Creating a campaign that is relevant and compelling for your audience can be a bit overwhelming. Especially when trying to manage a handful of different social media platforms – all at once. It takes an incredible amount of committment, planning and consistency to build a solid online community. But don’t fret, try to have fun with your social media! Establish a plan for each platform and learn to use the social media sites properly.
If you are new to the world of Twitter, we recommend focusing on the fundamental tips found below. These tips will ensure a solid foundation.  If you are familiar with all things Twitter, keep these tips as a checklist to refer to every month in order to stay on top of your game (we have a pinable version for our Pinterest fans below as well).
  • Take Advantage of  #Hashtags
Try to include 1-3 relevant hashtags with your tweet. It makes it simple and easier for others to find your content. You can even make your own hashtags! Promote and link it to your campaign for best results, especially if it involves an event.
  • Consider the Tone
Let your voice show through! Followers want a person, not a robot. So don’t be afraid to let your personality show through.
  • Recycle Successful Tweets
Keep tabs on which pieces of content get the most success. You can always repost it if it makes sense to the brand. Simply wait a few weeks and share the recycled love once more.
  • Quality Control 
Keep your tweets (content) geared towards your customer base. Is it relavant, engaging, and interesting?
Now that you have the basic essentials, have fun with it! Feel free to tweet or Facebook message us with any social media questions  you may have – we are here to help. Happy Tweeting!

Use Google Plus to Market Your Brand Effectively

Are you using Google Plus to market your brand?
With the introduction of Google Plus (or Google+) to the social networking scene…
You as a blogger have another resource to use to position and brand yourself as well as generate blog traffic.

By creating a Google Plus profile, and searching for your blog website, you will be able to completely change what you see when you Google yourself.
This will also impact the way other people can search for your blog as well. Why?
Because Google’s primary business is search, your Google+ profile may be located directly below or above your blog’s URL.
Here are some of the most important features that marketers can use to their advantage when using Google’s new social media network:

1. Google Plus – Share Blog Info in Your Profile

The Google Plus profile page serves as an excellent mix between Facebook’s frivolousness and LinkedIn’s professional aura. You can add whatever pictures fit your brand, whatever information you like, and post links to whomever you choose. No one can interfere with your posts or tag you in unnecessary places like on Facebook.

2. Google Plus – Use SEO Strategies in Your Updates

Because of the searchable nature that Google brings to its social networking website, if you place strategic keywords and phrases in your status updates, you will most definitely rank higher in traditional Google searches. Unlike Facebook posts, Google Plus will be more open to searching, which is a feature the website has going well for it.

3. Google Plus – Add More Context to Your Posts

Along with the unique SEO abilities of Google Plus, you can add more content and context to your updates. Instead of trying to make your posts stand out like on Facebook and Twitter, Google+ allows you to add vivid photos, videos, and detailed sentences and paragraphs for your followers to read. Instead of spending time with a catchy one-liner, go ahead and make a solid argument.

Google Plus – Control Who Sees Your Messages

The Circles feature is a very important tool for Google Plus marketers. Instead of just lumping everyone together like on Facebook and Twitter, Google+ allows users to easily separate people into labeled categories and post exclusive content to each.
If you are connected to clients, you can post PR information about your business. If you are connected to employees, you can post internal memos. If you are connected to friends, you can post viral videos and more controversial things.

Google Plus Key Takeaway

Google Plus is still in its infancy and it is hard to actually tell what kind of impact it will have on marketing in the long term. Early adopters will need to pave the way for the future marketing endeavors of the next wave of Google+ users.
Google will also need to develop more and add new features that make their social network standout from the others.

Your Turn:

  • Are you using Google Plus?
  • What’s your experience so far?
  • What’s your take on this new Google’s social network site?

What is Poke on Facebook ? !

Some people have wrong understanding
that poke at Facebook is symbol of
Following are the correct
meanings of Poking at Facebook.

1.A “poke” is basically someone trying to
get your attention It’s one of the
meaningless features that are used just to
annoy someone.

2.If you poke someone not in your network
and they poke back. You can view their
profile even if your not their friend!

3.A poke is when you allow someone to
see your Facebook profile for 3 days, so they
can know who you are and hopefully add
you as a friend.
Share it so that, when you poke your
friend, he know the real meaning ....

start poking :D